Full Name: Kurosawa Kana
First Name:
Race: Immortal
Sire: Kurosawa Kannei
Age:Appears 18
Occupation: Matriarch & Sensei
Location: Kargatane
Hair: Cinnamon Red
Eyes: Dark Chocolate
Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 110 lbs.

Kana is a young oriental woman, eighteen years old in appearance with dark chocolate eyes and cinnamon-red hair that is usually brushed out straight or, on the occasion, adorned in ringlet curls. Standing approximately 5 foot 2 inches tall and 110 pounds, she is a tiny framed sort of female that often goes overlooked and seems relatively unassuming to the casual observer. She has several scars on her wrists, serving as a reminder to the shackles she once wore. Beneath her clothing, a sight that has gone unseen save for her Sire, are the lay lines of years of abuse written acrossed her back and shoulders in the form of whip-scars. Kana speaks fluent common after months of study in the company of the Kurosawa, despite that fact, her voice is still addled by a thick, oriental accent.

Kana was born to a lower working class family, her father was a fisherman at Zephyr Wharf and her mother wove textiles to sell to various shops and on the market in the Trader's Square. Kana's father, Hajima, had an unsavory habit of gambling away their savings in back-alley dice games. After Hajima had spent their livelihood, lost their home and his fishing boat, he only had Kana and her mother, Tsuki left - and he parted with his wife and daughter as an insurance bond that he would pay back his debt before skipping town entirely.

Tsuki was fit, able to work and easy on the eyes, so it wasn't wholly unexpected when mother was sold off and separated from her eight year old daughter. Unknowing of her mother's fate, Kana was traded to a duchess to be a serving girl in the woman's estate, and while she was relatively capable of the work expected of her; the duchess was a cruel woman and would beat her for insignificant faults, leave her shackled in the corner of a room with nothing more than a filthy, crude mattress to sleep on and generally, no food in her stomach. Years of the abusive treatment wore on Kana, until eventually she could take it no longer, and one night while she was making the duchess's dinner - Kana laced the woman's soup with poison.

While the duchess lie dying on the floor of her manor, Kana robbed the woman of every precious stone and glimmering coin that she could find and fled - never to return again. From that day forward, Kana resided upon the streets doing whatever she could to get by, whether it be washing dishes for an inn, cleaning out stable stalls for a place to sleep, to stealing the occasional meal from amarket cart or even robbing unsuspecting evening-dwellers at knife point.

Though, when given the chance to choose a means of livelihood, Kana prefers to make an honest living by selling her folded-paper statuettes of origami to whomever will buy them. With the fickle understanding of magic she once learned from an old Nipponese book, she can occasionally bring her little origami creations to life for a short time - which often draws allure to her craft.

By seemingly luck alone, Kana crossed paths with thePatriarch of the Kurosawa clan and was taken in -not as a vampire, but as a living, breathing human.The aspect of turning left entirely to Kana's discretion; it did not take the girl long to insist upon it - for fear of bringing harm to her newfound 'family'. Kannei, on the other hand, persisted in her keeping her mortality until she has aged further, and learned more refined traits such as speaking, reading and writing common and the honing of a meditative stance.